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Session 1, Day 2: Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Institute 2023-2024

Name Session 1, Day 2: Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Institute 2023-2024
Start 11/7/2023 08:00:00
End 11/7/2023 16:00:00

The 2023-2024 Professional Learning Community (PLC) Institute will consist of two multi-day sessions, three webinars, a moderate amount of online work, site-based implementation of plans crafted by participating agency teams, and implementation coaching during and after the Institute. Virtual participation options will be provided to those unable to travel to Sacramento for the two in-person sessions.

CALPRO prefers participating teams of three per agency (Director/ Principal, plus two key certificated staff members who will lead and support the planning and implementation process); teams of two (Director/Principal, plus one key certificated staff member) are welcome to apply. The number of agencies invited will depend on the aggregate number of participants; it is expected that 8 agencies will be accepted to attend, and the total number of participants will be 24.

CALPRO will pair each team with an implementation coach. Each member of the Coaching and Facilitation Team has extensive experience in collaborative teambuilding and PLC Implementation. The coaches will help accepted teams during the six months they are in the PLC Institute and one year after the Institute ends for a total of 18 months of assistance with PLC implementation.

Goals Membership and participation are free of charge and open to all California adult education funded programs. The Agency Director/Principal and at least one nominated lead teacher or PD staff member will participate as a team in the CALPRO Professional Learning Community Institute. Applications must be received by September 29, 2023. To learn more about the Institute, including an overview video and application information, please click on <a href="">this link</a>.
Location 2150 River Plaza Drive Suite 185 Sacramento, CA

Specific Objectives

  • Establish a PLC framework that includes: 1) a collaborative culture; 2) distributive leadership; 3) a focus on student learning and results; and 4) embedded professional development.
  • Establish teams that gather and analyze data on essential knowledge and on student learning outcomes.
  • Establish teams that become more knowledgeable about creating formative assessments.
  • Receive coaching from experienced PLC practitioners.
  • Create a cycle of continuous improvement focused on student results at their agency.
  • Advance teachers’ understanding of the connection between professional learning and student achievement.
  • Share successes, challenges, and lessons learned with a statewide network of colleagues.
Contact Please contact Sudie Whalen at
Registration Information
